Student Loan Debt Statistics In 2019

“Student loan debt in 2019 is the highest ever.”

According to the latest student loan debt statistic, “The debt is highest than ever.” These statistics have become a real concern among borrowers across all demographics and age groups.

As far as student loan debt is concerned, approximately 44 million borrowers collectively owe approx. $1.5 trillion in the U.S. alone.

Student loan debt has become the second highest consumer debt category, first being mortgage debt. Student loan debt is much higher than both credit cards and auto loans.

According to the Institute for College Access and Success, “Students who enrolled for college in 2017, on average, owe $28,650.”

If you are a student loan borrower or planning to apply for a student loan, we hope these student loan debt statistics can help you make appropriate decisions regarding student loan refinance, student loan repayment, student loan consolidation, and student loan forgiveness.

Student Loan Stats Overview until 2019

  • Total Student Loan Debt: $1.56 trillion
  • Student Loan Delinquency Or Default Rate: 11.4% (90+ days delinquent)
  • Total U.S. Borrowers With Student Loan Debt: 44.7 million
  • Direct Loans - Cumulative in Default (360+ days delinquent): $101.4 billion (5.1 million borrowers)
  • Direct Loan In Forbearance: $111.1 billion (2.6 million borrowers)

States With The Most Student Loan Debt

There is no surprise in this, states with larger populations have higher aggregate student loan debt. Texas, Florida, California, and New York are a few of the highest states for total student loan debt outstanding among resident borrowers. These states represent approx. 20% of all U.S. student loan borrowers who collectively owe more than $340 billion of student loan debt.

If you’re seriously planning to apply for a student loan, you check out the above-mentioned statistics to make a fair decision. Need help with student loan or repay your student loan debt, you can contact Bayport bank and trust!


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